Performances database

A database of 19th century performances of symphonies in Europe and North America

This site contains a set of prototypes with dummy data to begin to explore the data and how it might be displayed. It doesn’t reflect the final site design, colours, etc.

We are interested in patterns in the data, in time & space, not on finding a particular item.

The key research questions the database should be able to answer are:


  • which were the most/least popular composers?
  • explore the popularity of a particular composer over time & place
  • filter to a particular composer (list of composers sorted by number performances)
  • what was their popularity over time? (total performances over time)
  • where we they performed? (performances per city over time)
  • how popular are they compared to other composers? (total performances per composer)
  • plus list of performances to show details

Compare two places

  • how does the popularity of composers compare in two cities?
  • who was the most popular composer for a given city and year
  • filter to two places (list of places)
  • who were the popular composers? (total performances per composer)
  • how do the two places compare? (performances per composer per city)
  • does this change over time? (total performances per city over time; filter by year)
  • plus table of performances to show details

First performance

  • where did a composer first get performed?
  • what did this lead to (places; times)?
  • choose a particular composer (list of composers sorted by year of first performance)
  • where and when was their first performance?
  • where and when where next performances?
  • plus table of performances to show details


  • explore the popularity of a particular symphony over time & place
  • as per Composers
